Saturday, September 20, 2008

No. 12 laugh out loud

i have just had one of the funniest experiences of my life happen to me. so im coming home form a friends dance party and i pas by a gas station thinking "oh it'll be fine i can make it home." so right as i pass it my car shuts down. crap crap crap. so i pull i swift u turn, trying to get back to the gas station and my car hits the curb and stops in the middle of oncoming traffic. fuck fuck fuck. so i call my mom and not even thirty second later my friend melle pulls up and asks me what is wrong. i tell her and then not even thirty second later another car full of boys comes by and hops out of the car like in the old superhero cartoons and start pushing my car toward the gas station. 
now every time i pass by someone pushing a car i cant help but laugh. but now i have a newfound appreciation for the pushers in the world. otherwise, how else would our cars get back to the fuel station when they run out of gas. hallelujah for pickens hospitality.

i love my job. no matter how crappy the pay is or how bummed i am to go, it makes me feel so good to have known such awesome people. and not only the counselors but the kids too. 
also, harrison is home now. YAY! 

even though a lot of people are still away, i feel like im getting a sense of summer back. part of me feels complete again. and i am so happy where i am right now. 

i wouldnt have it any other way.

laugh out loud, being the last and most fitting of the title blog posts, is the best of them all. laughter is the source of all happiness, and therefore is the source of life.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe that happened! I'm glad it all turned out okay and even a little funny.

I'm so excited for next weekend. I can't wait to see you.