it tore up the front of my car. i cant even open the driver side door. why me?? why?? i think doing grease has become my curse or something. damn you F.I.R.E.
and then it dawned on me. i am experiencing the seven plagues on egypt, only in reverse order and they are being placed on me through my vehicles:
killing of the firstborn = the death of my first car
plague of darkness = the hood of the coltasac flying up on me, making me unable to see.
and now the famine, where the animals die = my car killing the animal and taking the damn blow for it.
WHATS NEXT!?! a plague of locust nest in the backseat OR perhaps my oil will be turned to blood. whatever happens, im screwed. i just have to get through this week. and while im so fricken busy i have to find time to take the car to some guy so he can assess the damage and order new parts as well as shape up the metal so i can open the damn door. shit shit shit!
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